Tuesday, January 23, 2007

To see: Doug Aitken's Sleepwalkers

I was really surprised that MoMA along with Creative Time has decided to feature the Doug Aitken video installation Sleepwalkers - I would think that this piece would be too contemporary for MoMA to feature.

Sleepwalkers is projected on the outside of the museum from 5 - 10 pm from January 16 through February 12, so it is free to see, a nice out from the $20 entrance fee! You can also hear commentaries on your cellphone about the piece by dialing (408) 794-0886.

This installation would have made more sense to have on view during the summer. It would draw a bigger crowd and the timing would be more appropriate to the concept of the piece, which is an intertwined narrative of three characters who make their way into the city. The city is just so much more alive in the summer than it is in the winter...
