Artist ->mauricio arango

Vanishing Point consists of a map of the world connected to a database fed by news coming from several international newspapers. The visibility of each country on the map results from the quantity of media coverage the country receives, so those countries that do not make the news disappear progressively.
The newspapers selected are some of the most widely-read from countries that make up the Group of Seven (G7), the seven most industrialized nations in the world.
The goal of this project is to decipher the world that news media reconfigures and to observe if media coverage, or lack thereof, is creating a new cartography.
This project was commisioned by Low-Fi The Net Art Locator in England. Its first gallery installation will be at Stills Gallery in Edinburg, Scotland, in August 2005. [more] [ Artwork]
A very elegant interface for investigating the frequency of a country's occurrence in the news from various international newspapers. A short background for the country is also provided. A piece like this is an expected departure from randomly displayed information from the internet (interfaces without much structure that adhere to a more dadaist collage aesthetic), in that it is an interface that is structured and updated, unlike most flash based projects which tend to be static.
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